Key Environmental Topics to Know More About This Election Year

Every election year brings a slew of emotionally and politically charged topics. The debates that rage on all sides of the political aisle, for good or bad, end up setting the tone for not just those electoral processes but the future of the country. No matter who is running for candidacy this election cycle, and no matter how high-ranking the position is, everyone from presidential hopefuls to local, small-town mayors will begin honing in on the issues that the public cares about. Of all the topics that will be brought up during the political season— like second amendment rights, abortion rulings, and electoral integrity— , perhaps one of the most universal concerns is the climate crisis.

Any serious political candidate, their constituents, and more importantly, the general public that is ultimately in charge of the electoral outcomes, will need to dive into their local, national, and global climate challenges and policy interventions that could combat them. The climate crisis evokes an emotional response and has become a politicized and otherwise loaded topic up for an exhausting level of unending debate about how to best prevent repercussions on coastal areas, vulnerable communities, biodiversity and many others around the country and world who are already affected by climate impacts.

Therefore, before November rolls around, now is the time to start learning about candidates’ positions on combating climate change and future climate goals to avoid missing out on making a difference with a well-placed vote.

The following key environmental topics, energy sourcing, climate change and environmental conservation, are a good place to start to help you determine the types of issues you’ll support with your choice candidate before casting your ballot. 

Combating Climate Change

Very few can fully deny that climate change isn’t at least due in part to human industrialization and development. Being that there is plenty of data to support this, at least 37% of Americans believe that climate change should be at the forefront of the policy agenda, supported by the President and Congress with another 34% claiming that it should be an important but lower priority.

Climate challenges are only becoming more apparent across the country. Instances of droughts and wildfires in the south west, stronger hurricanes in the Gulf Coast, widespread flooding in the north east and intensified tornados in the midwest all prove that environmental issues are on the rise if steps aren’t taken to immediately slow the effects of climate change. Considering that the majority of Americans want at least some level of climate action, shows that there is a desire for policies that combat climate change, increase resilience for communities coping with natural disasters and support for businesses wanting to adopt environmentally-friendly practices. If you are passionate or are in favor of measures that encourage climate action, the right candidate for you is one that stands for setting standards for reducing carbon emissions, adhering to international climate pledges and commitments, and promoting green innovation in transportation and consumption. Another key issue that a candidate who is serious about combating climate change should support is limiting our reliance on fossil fuels and carbon-intensive energy sources.

Renewable Energy

The link between increased human consumption and production and climate change is strong. This is especially true when looking at the relationship between the skyrocketing use of fossil fuels over the past 100 years, which has led to an overall increase in global carbon emissions. The harvesting, processing and usage of fossil fuels has led to a dwindling ozone, increasing blankets of smog, climate change related challenges and other natural disasters. 

The increasingly visible climate impacts being felt around the globe has generated growing interest in alternative energy sources and “green” technologies as an alternative to fossil fuels, particularly over the past decade. Green technologies and resources, which were once obscure or expensive, are more affordable than ever. New advancements and innovations are continuously improving efficiency for solar, wind, hydro-electric and other systems, demonstrating the potential to change the face of the energy industry as a reliable and credible source. 

Green energy sources and technology have surged in popularity prompting backlash from oil giants and others in the fossil fuel industry, making renewable energy a politicized and divisive issue. Many heated and polarizing debates on funding and subsidizing the purchase of green energy infrastructure have captured the dilemma many businesses and individuals have when adopting green technologies. Therefore, in order to support a wider green energy movement and reduce the barriers around purchasing and installing renewable energy tech, you should choose to vote for candidates that advocate for government regulations and subsidies that enable the adoption of newer and cleaner energy sources.

Environmental Conservation

The many ecosystems found in the U.S. from the wetlands, tundras, tropical forests, great plains and others from coast to coast rely on a delicate balance in order to sustain humans, biodiversity and wildlife. Around the country, mining, fracking and pollution have wreaked havoc on biodiversity and local communities, reiterating the need for additional environmental protections, regulatory enforcement mechanisms and knowledge-sharing on ecosystem restoration

There are countless experts, activists and concerned citizens who have accumulated plenty of data on proper conservation practices, techniques and gaps. Therefore, the need lies in commissioning and allocating supporting tools and resources to support conservation efforts. The types of candidates you’ll want to cast your vote for are ones that are aware of conservation challenges and the importance of preventing harmful projects or practices that will worsen conditions for vulnerable habitats and species. You should make your voice heard by choosing those who will stand up for the wildlife, communities and underrepresented voices who will be the most affected by a lack of regard for the environment. 

We hope this article has left you empowered to get out and vote this coming election year! We sure hope to see candidates elected who will prioritize the wellbeing of our nature and environment.

Reminder for U.S. citizens: Remember to register to vote in time for this year’s election, which will take place on November 5th, 2024. Make sure to check your state’s voting website for key registration deadlines so that you’re ready to go for the upcoming election. If you’re voting absentee or voting from abroad as an expat, student or overseas military member or spouse, don’t forget to request your absentee ballot in time to make sure your vote is counted! 

Sea Going Green is a sustainable tourism consultancy working closely together with the tourism industry to help combat climate change and other environmental issues. Want to know how? Get in touch.


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