Since our founding in 2017, we have successfully delivered sustainability strategies to clients from around the globe. Read more about our projects below!
Our Projects
Six Senses: 2023
Sea Going Green worked together with Greencase Consulting, to develop a Sustainability Playbook for Six Senses highlighting their plastic free and sustainability solutions. The aim of this playbook is to inspire the tourism industry as well as consumers on how hospitality can be plastic free and tackle sustainability issues by highlighting best practises and case studies.
Sharjah Commerce & Tourism Development Authority: 2023 - today
Sea Going Green crafted a sustainable tourism vision, strategy, and website for the Sharjah Commerce and Tourism Development Authority. Additionally, we're designing a carbon footprint calculator and sustainability platform to promote eco-friendly practices in the industry. This pioneering project, connected to the upcoming COP28 in the UAE, is leading the way in the region.
Mailena Resort: 2023
Sea Going Green conducted a sustainable tourism diagnostic for Mailena Resort in Loreto, Mexico. We reviewed operations, interviewed staff, and provided recommendations on materials, activities, certification, UN SDG alignment, and overall sustainability enhancement.
Plan Bleu: 2024
Green Case Sustainable Tourism and Sea Going Green, for the EU project NaTour4CChange, researched climate resilience in Mediterranean coastal tourism. Sea Going Green conducted a comprehensive survey on best practices for Plan Bleu, part of the Mediterranean Action Plan. The project included desktop research, stakeholder mapping, questionnaire development, and consultations with Mediterranean tourism stakeholders, identifying gaps and compiling best practices into a detailed report.
For the EU Tourban Sustainable Urban Tourism Acceleration Programme, we transformed urban short-term rentals into sustainable spaces. This involved obtaining Green Tourism Accreditation and implementing eco-friendly practices like local products, green cleaning materials, and water-saving technologies. We conducted research, developed a transformation plan, and partnered with local sustainable businesses.
Asian Development Bank: 2023 - 2024
For the purpose of aiding Sri Lanka's economic recovery and tourism revival following a series of economic, security and health and safety crises, this project scope aimed to catalyze the potential for marine tourism development with an emphasis on yachting and boating activities in coastal destinations: Kalpitiya, Galle and Trincomalee.
SUSTOUR Project: 2022
We created climate-change training modules focusing on the tourism industry's environmental impacts and carbon footprints across transportation, operations, and activities. SUSTOUR, spearheaded by Travelife, ECEAT, ANVR, and other European tourism representatives, provides SMEs with tools and solutions to improve sustainability through training, management systems, and standards.
WAITT Foundation: 2022
Development of a strategic sustainable tourism plan based on the tourism potential of geotourism as a driver for economic growth that harnesses the rich cultural and maritime heritage of FSM with Nan Madol, UNESCO World Heritage Site, as the anchor.
Inter-American Development Bank (The Bahamas): 2021
Our consultants at Sea Going Green took a leading role as Environment and Sustainability Expert in IDB-commissioned project, "Analysis, recommendations, and operational plan for implementing a sustainable tourism certification in The Bahamas". The aims of this project are to research, assess and propose the best-fit tourism certification schemes with an operational plan for potential future implementation in The Bahamas.
Plastic Peuken Collectief: 2020
Sea Going Green is part of the Plastic Peuken Collectief, a grassroots movement in the Netherlands focused on raising awareness about plastic pollution from discarded cigarettes. The collective advocates for a ban on plastic cigarette filters and organizes annual cleanups called "Plastic PeukMeuk" in Amsterdam and across the country to engage the public and urge the Dutch government to hold the tobacco industry accountable for this pollution.
IUCN Community Toolkit: 2021
Creation of an internationally-distributed toolkit for IUCN to give aspiring grassroots leaders the tools to take action, engage their community and restore their local ecosystem in the name of the United Nations Decade for Ecosystem Restoration.
Econavis: 2019
CEO Ally Dragozet developed Econavis, leveraging her GIS mapping expertise. Econavis aims to offer real-time notifications in marine navigation systems, providing data on underwater life, including alerts on marine protected areas and endangered species. Initially supported by a grant from the NWO, Econavis is now advancing towards a scalable prototype for testing.
Inter-American Development Bank: 2022
Analysis on how selected Caribbean countries (The Bahamas, Belize, Suriname) are addressing the intersection between tourism and climate change through analysis of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), National Action Plans (NAPs) and other relevant national policies.
The USAID Economic Security Program: 2022
Creation of a Tourism Masterplan for the Shuamta Gateway project in the Kakheti region of Georgia. The project aims to establish a tourism visitor center, an operational business plan and eco-friendly tourist products and services. The project links the New and Old Shuamta Monasteries and the surrounding forest area in view of attracting new tourism segments and boosting sustainable tourism development in the region.
Sea Going Green collaborated with research institutes like Breda University of Applied Sciences, Avans University of Applied Sciences, and Wageningen Environmental Research, along with partners such as Green Destinations and TUI BeNeLux, to develop a tool simplifying participation in sustainability award and certification schemes. This tool aims to reduce the workload for destination managers, facilitate benchmarking among destinations, and enhance knowledge on expanded data gathering topics.
Connecting Nature Enterprise Platform: 2021
Sustainable tourism community ambassador for Nature Based Solutions Connecting Nature Enterprise Platform. Our role includes creating webinar events and engaging the community by highlighting examples and stimulating discussion around best practices from industry leaders in the tourism and hospitality industries.
HISWA Boat Show: 2019
Ally Dragozet, CEO of Sea Going Green, led a workshop during the HISWA Boat Show at RAI Amsterdam. The workshop emphasized the importance of promoting sustainability in water sports and marine interactions, featuring interactive brainstorming sessions for aspiring talents to envision future sustainable technologies. Sea Going Green also participated in the expo, gathering valuable market research for their api prototype, Econavis, from ship owners and boat enthusiasts.
Inter-American Development Bank (Jamaica): 2019
Sea Going Green's consultants conducted a Competitiveness and Strategy Analysis for 7 destinations on the island of Jamaica. Sea Going Green's involvement in the project will be used by the IDB to inform a larger strategy on inclusive community development and cultural heritage integration into the Jamaican tourism sector and future development plans.
IUCN - Plastic Waste Free Islands: 2019
IUCN Plastic Free Island Advisory Session and background research on plastic and waste infrastructure on SIDS (Fiji, Vanuatu, Samoa, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Lucia and Grenada).
The Yacht Week: 2017
Developed initial "Green Transition Strategy" and performed our pilot Material Flow Analysis to measure The Yacht Week's biggest environmental impacts.
From this, we created a campaign with Croatian ex-navy divers, who participated in an underwater dive to recover 1 metric ton of trash picked up from the sea floor.
A co-branded video was made for their social media platform, which went viral with 100,000 views.
Boat Bike Tours: 2019 - today
Sea Going Green signed Boat Bike Tours as a recurring client for our comprehensive "Green Transition Strategy." We completed a pilot project with three of their ships to assess environmental impact by ship size. We then conducted a full CO2 footprint and material flow analysis for their entire fleet, establishing a baseline. With standardized fleet data, we're now aiding them in yearly analyses, aiming for CO2-neutrality.
WWF-NL: 2020
Sea Going Green together with WWF-NL designed a 10 part workshop series and mentorship program to inspire select local community leaders to create their own grassroots organization to tackle the biggest sustainability challenges on the island of Bonaire under the umbrella of the 2030 UN Sustainability Goals.
European Union: 2023 - 2025
For the EU funded project C-FAARER, under the Mission 'Restore Our Ocean and Waters by 2030', Sea Going Green leads WP5: 'Coordination, Communication, Exploitation, and Dissemination'. The project aims at delivering a roadmap and guidance to support ocean farmers in the Atlantic and Arctic Sea basin to develop community-driven business models for regenerative ocean farming and policymakers to take enabling actions.
Let’s work together
Sea Going Green works with both public and private sector tourism companies and organizations. Find out more about our services by clicking on the button below.