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Crafting a Sustainable World, One Post at a Time
5 Best Adventure Travel Destinations for 2022
Now that the world has begun to open back up in many regards and people feel free to safely travel again, adventure seekers are once again looking to get out and see the world. While there are many places for an adventure traveler to visit, this article is going to take a look at a few of the best.
Overfishing: The Impact of Supply and Demand
Overfishing is a word that is used loosely to describe mass fishing at a scale that the ecosystem cannot keep up with. There are many reasons why overfishing happens: government subsidies, faulty regulations, lack of law enforcement, and a disproportionate number of large fisheries in first-world countries.
The worst part about all of this is that the very regulations and procedures put in place to prevent overfishing are the same ones causing it to happen. Let’s talk about it.
Innovative Ways We're Cleaning Up Ocean Trash
From beach pollution to litter being swept off by the wind, there are many ways that plastics end up in the ocean.
Despite the seemingly dire amount of plastic pollution in the oceans, there are many great efforts underway to clean them up. Read on to learn more about some of the innovative solutions being used to clean up our waters.
Slovenia: The Most Sustainable Country on Earth
In 2017, Slovenia was named the most sustainable country on Earth by National Geographic. While visiting Ljubljana and Lake Bled, I witnessed some visible signs of sustainability: eco-friendly zones, recycling programs, and restricted swimming areas. To go beyond what meets the eye, I decided to do some research on my own to learn more about how Slovenia got its title.
This blog will take a look at what Slovenia has done for sustainability as well as what areas need to be targeted to maintain its reputation as a sustainable paradise.
Balancing the Pros and Cons of Coastal Tourism through Sustainability
When so many people around the world participate in oceanfront or coastal activities as a part of their vacation or every day lifestyle, the morality of understanding how it impacts our ecosystems should be at the forefront of our minds. The first question we should ask ourselves is this: what are the benefits of coastal tourism? And what can we do to ensure that there are more pros than cons?
Transitioning from a Tourism-Dependent Region to a Sustainable Paradise: The Caribbean Case Study pt. I
Did you know that the Caribbean is the most tourism-dependent region on earth? Out of the top 25 countries that have more than 25% tourism contribution to GDP, 15 are located in the Caribbean. The Caribbean Sea is home to around ten percent of the world’s coral reefs, including the largest coral system in the Northern Hemisphere and the highest concentration of marine species in the Atlantic Ocean. With these factors taken into consideration, you can understand why the environment is so important for a thriving tourism sector.
Over-tourism has claimed another victim: Maya Beach
Over-tourism has claimed another victim: Maya Beach in Koh Phi Phi Leh, Thailand.
Following in the steps of Boracay Island in The Philippines, this beautiful destination known for its blue waters, white sand and limestone cliffs will be closed indefinitely while its biodiversity and ecosystems begin their process to recovery.
Take a look at this week’s blog to read about the impact that unsustainable tourism has had on the popular beach destination as well as lessons that we, as tourists, can take away from its closure to prepare ourselves for our next vacation.