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Crafting a Sustainable World, One Post at a Time

Education, Sustainable Living Maryam Mesbah Education, Sustainable Living Maryam Mesbah

The future of seaweed as a sustainable food source

When you think of seaweed, you probably think of Nori, a type of seaweed often found in sushi, ramen bowls and now, chips. Thanks to the health benefits and climate action associated with seaweed, there is more hype than ever around using this marine resource.

This week’s blog will dive into the many different culinary uses of seaweed both as a stand-alone food product or as a healthy addition to other dishes.

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Education Wanda Lafond Education Wanda Lafond

7 Reasons Why Your Tourism Business Should Go Green in 2022

With life slowly returning back to business as usual, now is the time to futureproof your business and implement sustainability strategies that will keep your business on track for the long-term.

In this blog, we will explore how businesses can make a positive impact, strengthen their branding, and set an example for other businesses by choosing to operate sustainably.

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