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Crafting a Sustainable World, One Post at a Time
Changing Tides of Sustainability on Maya Beach
Back in 2018, we wrote about the closing of Maya Beach in Thailand in the wake of environmental degradation caused by the phenomenon of overtourism. This closure signified an on-going trend: that many popular destinations were at capacity for tourism.
Now, 2 years later, we’ve had the chance to interview with Manuel San Martin from the Pura Vida Diving Koh Phi Phi Center to gain insight into the progress that has been made on Koh Phi Phi Leh and how the new sustainable tourism plan will take shape once the bay re-opens “tentatively” in 2021.
Dive in and read more about Maya Bay’s progress towards recovery and what lies ahead for the island.
The Link Between Tourism and Climate Change
Attending COP 25 inspired me to dive into how the tourism industry and climate change are interrelated as climate change represents a real threat to not only the marine environment, but also the future of tourism.
You often hear about the contribution of aviation to global warming and how our coral reefs, which are attracting more tourists than ever, are dying as a consequence. This blog will give some insights into how tourism and climate change are interconnected and what the industry is doing to reduce its carbon footprint.
Balancing the Pros and Cons of Coastal Tourism through Sustainability
When so many people around the world participate in oceanfront or coastal activities as a part of their vacation or every day lifestyle, the morality of understanding how it impacts our ecosystems should be at the forefront of our minds. The first question we should ask ourselves is this: what are the benefits of coastal tourism? And what can we do to ensure that there are more pros than cons?
Transitioning from a Tourism-Dependent Region to a Sustainable Paradise: The Caribbean Case Study pt. I
Did you know that the Caribbean is the most tourism-dependent region on earth? Out of the top 25 countries that have more than 25% tourism contribution to GDP, 15 are located in the Caribbean. The Caribbean Sea is home to around ten percent of the world’s coral reefs, including the largest coral system in the Northern Hemisphere and the highest concentration of marine species in the Atlantic Ocean. With these factors taken into consideration, you can understand why the environment is so important for a thriving tourism sector.
Sustainability is Business & Business is Sustainability
The future of the oceans is in our hands; here are some of the biggest takeaways from the Volvo Ocean Summit. If you follow our instagram @seagoinggreen, you will know that our team here at Sea Going Green was fortunate enough to attend the final and capstone Volvo Ocean Summit in Den Haag. Alongside industry experts, academics, and the racers them selves, we participated in the world’s premier platform to bring about action regarding ocean health.
How Does Tourism Impact Ocean Health? Coastal Development
We travel to new places for a lot of reasons: to meet new people, experience new cultures, and see some of the most beautiful sights in the world.
But have you ever wondered how your travels affect the local environment?