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Crafting a Sustainable World, One Post at a Time

Sustainable Living Veerle van Wendelbeest Sustainable Living Veerle van Wendelbeest

Sustainable transportation: Lowering your impact while traveling

What is sustainable transportation? This type of transportation refers to low impact methods of getting from one location to another, while emitting to lowest amount of CO2 as possible. These forms of transport can include electric vehicles, public transportation like buses, ride-sharing, but also wind-powered boats or solar-powered yachts. While each transportation method comes with pros and cons, there are many great options to consider.

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Education, Hotels/Resorts Mackey Wallace Education, Hotels/Resorts Mackey Wallace

Revolutionizing Hospitality: Sustainable Tourism Practices in the Hotel Industry

In recent years a much-needed revolution-of-sorts has been brewing within the hospitality sector, and it's one with its sights set firmly on transforming the industry into an insurmountable force for good; sustainable tourism practices are now at the forefront of many hoteliers' agendas, and the impact is profound.

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Education, Sustainable Living Sarah Daren Education, Sustainable Living Sarah Daren

The impact of climate change on tourism destinations

Weather isn’t a constant factor, as we all know. Depending on the year, there might be more rainy vs. dry days or hot vs. cool days. Despite this, seasonal patterns are supposed to be pretty predictable: hot weather in the summer months, cold in the winter, and so on. 

Climate change, however, is having a major impact on seasonal weather patterns, meaning that the weather we used to count on in different seasons is changing. Temperature extremes, heavy rainfall, and other atypical weather events caused by climate change are affecting everything from ecosystems to agriculture. 

Read more to see what this means for your next trip. 

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Education, Sustainable Living Nicole McCray Education, Sustainable Living Nicole McCray

Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Sustainable Tourism

As prominent tourism destinations have increasingly seen the impacts of climate change on their beaches, forests and other natural assets, the tourism industry has felt the pressure to take control of its sizable environmental footprint, and specifically, its carbon emissions.  

Luckily, there are a number of mitigation strategies that can be used to address tourism’s impact on climate change, many of which aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 

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Hotels/Resorts Aqib Bhatti Hotels/Resorts Aqib Bhatti

5 Ways Hotels Can Become More Eco-Friendly

Many guests now expect hotels to have environmentally friendly policies in place and are willing to pay a premium for those who do.

As a business owner or operator in the hospitality industry, you can play an important role in preserving the planet's resources by taking green initiatives at your hotel. Here are five eco-friendly hotel ideas to help your property become more sustainable.

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Your Guide to Ecotourism in the United States

When travelers visit new places they go out to eat, go sightseeing, and inject money into the communities they visit. But travel isn’t always good for communities, and it especially is not always sustainable for landscapes and the environment.

Mass tourism specifically does harm by creating environmental strain on different ecosystems and landscapes. When there is a lot of foot traffic to a natural environment, there is naturally a lot of wear and tear on the land. 

That’s where ecotourism comes in.

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