Three ways to travel responsibly that you may not have considered

Seeing the world is an experience that no one should have to miss out on, but to ensure the health and longevity of our planet, it’s vital to keep sustainability in mind and travel responsibly. From taking less luggage to being mindful of the experiences you enjoy in the destinations you explore, there are many ways to be a more eco-conscious traveler.

Here, we’ll take a look at three ways to travel responsibly that you may not have considered.

Create a capsule wardrobe

It’s no secret that the most sustainable ways to travel are by walking or cycling, but naturally, there are times you’ll want to venture out further. Luckily, there are ways to make flying to your destination more sustainable. You can buy carbon offset credits, fly directly, choose somewhere closer to home and reduce the amount of luggage you take with you. 

Creating a capsule wardrobe not only helps you reduce your suitcase size, but it’s also a sustainable way to enjoy slow fashion in everyday life. With fewer items of clothing, you’re reducing your contribution to the environmental impact of fast fashion and helping to promote a more sustainable future. Shopping for sustainable clothing made from vegan and recycled materials is a great way to ensure you’re advocating for responsible consumption on your travels.

Avoid unethical animal experiences

Seeing the amazing native wildlife of other countries is a huge draw for many travelers, but it can come at a devastating cost to the animals. Most animal tourism organizations are unethical and cause immense suffering to the animals you visit to admire, especially species such as elephants, tigers and dolphins. 

Choosing ethical animal encounters is a crucial part of traveling responsibly, and it requires you to question whether you should interact with these wild animals in the way the tourist center is offering. Riding elephants in Thailand, swimming with dolphins in Hawaii and stroking tigers in Asia may sound like exiting ways to get close to wildlife, but the reality is that these animals are often tortured into submission, taken from their parents or wild habitats at a very young age and kept in enclosures that are a far cry from their natural habitats. Look instead for experiences where you can be alongside animals in their natural habitats in a way that doesn’t interfere with their natural activities.

suitcase packing travel tourism laptop sunglasses

Choose souvenirs carefully

Many travelers want to bring a souvenir or two home as a memento of their trip, but it’s important to be aware of how these items are sourced and produced. Be mindful of whether or not the items are in fact locally produced, and who created them. Are they paid fairly? Are the materials responsibly sourced? Asking these questions will ensure you don’t unwillingly purchase any items that are unethically produced. 

Engaging with local communities and supporting sustainability initiatives that, for instance, promote fairtrade working, responsible mining practices, and the elimination of child labour is a great way to make a positive impact from your adventures.

You can research ahead of time to ensure the areas you’re visiting are on board with pushing for sustainability and protecting both the people and the planet. This way you’ll know how to prepare for your journey and make sure that your travels are sustainable.

Sea Going Green is a sustainable tourism consultancy that works together with tourism operators and accommodation providers, accompanying them on the path to becoming eco-friendly and socially-sustainable businesses and industry leaders.

Want to know more? Schedule a discovery consultation with our experts.


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