13 Nederlanders in Forbes 30 under 30-lijst

Aleksandra Dragozet (26) is de oprichter van de groene consultancyfirma Sea Going Green. Ze consulteert toerismebedrijven wereldwijd over hoe zij hun business groener kunnen maken. Ze studeerde in zowel Toronto, Singapore als Amsterdam en haalde haar master in marine biologie. Afgelopen jaar was Sea Going Green op Sint Maarten voor de zogeheten Build Back Better-missie. Hierbij hielpen startups bij de opbouw van het door een horrorstorm geteisterde eiland.

Translation: Aleksandra Dragozet (26) is the founder of the green consultancy company, Sea Going Green. She consults tourism companies worldwide to help make their businesses greener. She has studied in Toronto, Singapore and Amsterdam and received her masters in marine biology. Last year Sea Going Green was on Sint Maarten for the “Build Back Better” mission, where startups helped to build up the island that was hit by Hurricane Irma.

Read about the other Dutch young professionals that made the Forbes 30 Under 30 list here!


Forbes Spotlight: Ally Dragozet


Ally Dragozet of Sea Going Green makes 2019 Forbes 30 Under 30 list