Sea Going Green in the News

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Zakenreis Nieuws Zakenreis Nieuws


Het initiatief voor de International Tourism Plastic Pledge komt vanuit MVO Nederland. Deze organisatie begeleidt ook de deelnemers in het zetten van volgende stappen. De ondertekenaars erkennen de urgentie en de noodzaak om samen te werken aan minder plasticvervuiling. Gezamenlijk vertegenwoordigen ze zo’n 180.000 medewerkers en 50 miljoen vakantiegangers.

Read more here.

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Travel Tourism News Travel Tourism News

Tourism Is Damaging The Ocean. Here’s What We Can Do To Protect It

What does the big blue mean to you? Is it a holiday destination, a source of income, as for the 60 million people working in the marine fishing industry, a vital protein source of 151 million tonnes for human consumption, or a home to millions of species? The ocean has a different meaning for everyone, but for all of us, it is a source of life.

Read on here.

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Ally Dragozet Ally Dragozet

World Ocean's Day Twitter Chat

Sea Going Green was recently featured by Impact Travel Alliance and Oceanic Global in their top ten list of things you can do to promote ocean conservation.

Click here to read more about what you can do to contribute to ocean conservation!

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Ev Liu Ev Liu

Plastic Is Not Fantastic: Interview With Ally Dragozet And Straw By Straw

Reducing the environmental impact of tourism with Ally Dragozet

In 2018, worldwide international tourist arrivals (overnight arrivals) reached an estimated 1.4 billion, two years ahead of previous predictions. This is seemingly great news for tourism operators but what does this mean for the environment? How can the tourism industry improve its practices to offset harm to nature?

To find out, we interviewed Ally, the founder of Sea Going Green, a consultancy firm that specialises in sustainable tourism.

Read the full interview here.

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Entrepreneur Entrepreneur

El Turismo Está Dañando El Océano. Así Puedes Protegerlo

¿Qué significa el gran azul para usted? ¿Es un destino de vacaciones, una fuente de ingresos, una fuente vital de proteínas de 151 millones de toneladas para el consumo humano como para los 60 millones de personas que trabajan en la industria de la pesca marítima o un hogar para millones de especies? El océano tiene distintos significados para cada uno de nosotros, pero para todos nosotros, es una fuente de vida.

Check out our article featured by Entrepreneur here.

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Tijuanotas Tijuanotas

El Turismo Está Dañando El Océano. Esto Es Lo Que Podemos Hacer

¿Qué significa el gran azul para usted? ¿Es un destino de vacaciones, una fuente de ingresos, una fuente vital de proteínas de 151 millones de toneladas para el consumo humano como para los 60 millones de personas que trabajan en la industria de la pesca marítima o un hogar para millones de especies? El océano tiene distintos significados para cada uno de nosotros, pero para todos nosotros, es una fuente de vida.

Check out our article featured by Tijuanotas here.

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Jemi Lacle, Ally Dragozet and Melissa Novotny Jemi Lacle, Ally Dragozet and Melissa Novotny

El turismo está dañando el océano. Esto es lo que podemos hacer para protegerlo

¿Qué significa el gran azul para usted? ¿Es un destino de vacaciones, una fuente de ingresos, una fuente vital de proteínas de 151 millones de toneladas para el consumo humano como para los 60 millones de personas que trabajan en la industria de la pesca marítima o un hogar para millones de especies? El océano tiene distintos significados para cada uno de nosotros, pero para todos nosotros, es una fuente de vida.

Full article here.

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Ace Incubator Ace Incubator


One of ACE incubator’s alumni, Aleksandra (or Ally) Dragozet, founder of Sea Going Green was recently named as one of Forbes 2019 30 under 30 in the European edition of the magazine. Sea Going Green is a consultancy firm that provides the tourist industry with transition strategies to sustainably manage natural ecosystems while maintaining financial streams at the same time. Ally, a marine biologist and UvA alum, turned entrepreneur in 2017 once she participated in the ACE Ready to Start incubation program.

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Forbes Forbes

Forbes Spotlight: Ally Dragozet

Sea Going Green is an environmental consulting firm working to make the tourism industry more sustainable. After getting her masters in marine biology, Aleksandra Dragozet has made a career of creating 'green transition strategies' for businesses around the world.

Read article here.

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Sprout Sprout

13 Nederlanders in Forbes 30 under 30-lijst

“Aleksandra Dragozet (26) is de oprichter van de groene consultancyfirma Sea Going Green. Ze consulteert toerismebedrijven wereldwijd over hoe zij hun business groener kunnen maken. Ze studeerde in zowel Toronto, Singapore als Amsterdam en haalde haar master in marine biologie. Afgelopen jaar was Sea Going Green op Sint Maarten voor de zogeheten Build Back Better-missie. Hierbij hielpen startups bij de opbouw van het door een horrorstorm geteisterde eiland.”

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Innovation Exchange Amsterdam Innovation Exchange Amsterdam

Rewarded Take-off valorisation grants for Amsterdam

Sea Going Green was awarded an initial “Take-off Grant from the NWO (The Netherlands Institute for Scientific Research) to build our new api concept. The new concept is named Econavis, stay tuned for updates.

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Sage Corps Sage Corps

Sage Corps City Manager Spotlight: Ally Dragozet

Everyone knows that our program city managers are superstars. However, given the past few weeks, Ally Dragozet deserves an extra round of applause.

After our Summer 2018 Amsterdam program wrapped up, Ally - Founder & CEO of Sea Going Green - buckled down and headed to the TEDxAmsterdamWomen Startup Awards. How did it go? She weighed in to give us the inside scoop!

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Viva 400 Viva 400

VIVA 400

Congrats Ally on making the 2018 VIVA400 list!

With her company Sea Going Green, Aleksandra promotes sustainable tourism. It’s mission is to reduce the negative impact of tourists on the marine environment by helping tourism companies to become green. In this way Aleksandra ensures that everyone can enjoy the ocean for a long time.

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Carmen Ferri Carmen Ferri

Rockstart Launches Femteq

Sea Going Green was lucky enough to take part in the first ever Femteq program created by Rockstart!

Keep reading to find out more about the program and the 5 female entrepreneurs that took part in its launch!

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TEDxAmsWomen TEDxAmsWomen

TEDxAMSWomen Finalists

Ally Dragozet of Sea Going Green was among the top 11 finalists for the 2018 edition of TEDxAmsWomen!

Click here to see who else made the semi-finals along with Ally!

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Navya Navya

Sea Going Green: Enabling Green Transition Strategies for Tourism Companies

We (One Planet Rating) recently met Aleksandra Dragozet, founder and CEO at Sea Going Green. Providing consultation services, SGG aims to alleviate the negative impacts of the tourism industry on the marine environment. Born in Serbia, raised in Canada, and spending her childhood summers on the coasts of Croatia, Ally’s international background sparked an early passion for traveling and ocean conservation.

Read on as Ally shares her journey, combining a love for travel, an education in marine biology, to a cause aimed at transforming the travel sector.

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