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Crafting a Sustainable World, One Post at a Time

Education Emma Wilson Education Emma Wilson

Top Tips for Traveling While Vegan

Plant-based eating is a trend that’s gone global. Traveling as a vegan can be a bit difficult, but it’s getting easier with each passing year. Vegan restaurants that offer plant-based meat and traditional vegetarian meals are popping up throughout the US and countries around the world.

In today’s post, I’ll give you some great tips for keeping up with your vegan diet while traveling.

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Education Wanda Lafond Education Wanda Lafond

7 Reasons Why Your Tourism Business Should Go Green in 2022

With life slowly returning back to business as usual, now is the time to futureproof your business and implement sustainability strategies that will keep your business on track for the long-term.

In this blog, we will explore how businesses can make a positive impact, strengthen their branding, and set an example for other businesses by choosing to operate sustainably.

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Sustainable Living Beau Peters Sustainable Living Beau Peters

How to Shop Like a Local While Traveling

Whether you’re traveling to a tourist destination or going somewhere off the beaten path, shopping like a local has its perks. It’ll engrain you in new and interesting cultures, it’s usually cheaper, and you’ll be helping your destination boost their local economy.

Read more about how you can get the full experience of a specific location and culture by shopping like a local.

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Sustainable Living Natalie Crawford Sustainable Living Natalie Crawford

5 Free Plant-based Apps for a Healthy Lifestyle while Traveling

When traveling, you want to experience everything your destination has to offer, from its culture, art, music to it’s gastronomy. Experiencing local cuisines can sometimes be a challenge for those who follow specific diets, such as plant-based and vegan lifestyles.

Luckily, there are many apps out there that make eating according to your preferences easier.

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Education, Sustainable Living Jane Marsh Education, Sustainable Living Jane Marsh

The Environmental Problem With Tourism (And How to Fix It)

The truth is, tourism is unsustainable in its current form. Although, there are many new sustainable solutions shaking up the entire tourism supply chain. Ecotourism and changing perspectives on wildlife tourism give us clues into how the tourism industry will adapt to minimize the negative environmental impacts of tourism to reap the potential of the industry for improved sustainability.

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Destination News Kayla Tumblin Destination News Kayla Tumblin

The Rise of Domestic Tourism

In an attempt to revive the industry as coronavirus continues to pose a threat, the focus of marketing campaigns and target market strategies have been shifted primarily towards the phenomenon of domestic tourism.

In this blog, I will take a look at a few of the ways travelers have been enjoying vacations closer to home and how destinations have successfully marketed to these domestic travelers.

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Tiny Home Vacation Rentals: For The Eco-Friendly And Adventurous Traveler

Tiny houses are the latest vacation rental craze, especially for the adventurous traveller who is looking for unique sustainable experiences and value for money.

In this blog, I’ll discuss what makes these tiny house rentals so unique while highlighting some examples of how these accommodations can help you lower your environmental footprint while traveling.

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Education Aishwarya Sinha Education Aishwarya Sinha

The Carbon Footprint of Global Tourism

From experiencing different cultures to exploring new sights and sounds to connecting with people from diverse communities: there are a million and one reasons people travel around the globe. However, even the tourism industry cannot escape the murkiness of climate change as evidenced by the growing body of research showcasing just how much globetrotting is impacting the environment.

This blog will examine the environmental impacts, particularly CO2 emissions, that tourism is having as a result of current tourism practices concluding with insights on what can be done to alleviate these impacts and change the face of tourism for the better.

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Ekoru: Participate in Ocean Conservation with Just One Click!

With pollution and waste mismanagement increasing across the globe, protecting the oceans has become more critical than ever. The good news is that ocean-lovers are continuously looking for ways to support ocean conservation. Now you can even take part without ever leaving your home, or your couch!

Ekoru is an up and coming search engine that gives back to the oceans with every search that you make. One search equals one pound of trash removed from the ocean. Try it yourself!

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Destination News, Sustainable Living Estelle Liotard Destination News, Sustainable Living Estelle Liotard

Top Destinations for Sustainable Tourism Post COVID-19

Sustainable tourism is expected to continue to grow in a post-COVID world. Sustainable tourism is a responsible and non-damaging way of traveling that has the intention of leaving no negative trace behind on the destination.

To feed your sustainable tourism wanderlust, we’ve put together a list of top destinations for sustainable tourism that you should visit once the COVID-19 pandemic is over. Let’s take a closer look.

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