How To Go Hiking In An Eco Friendly Way

Photo by Joel & Jasmin Førestbird

You would think that hiking is an eco friendly activity by nature. After all, you're going out into hiking trails and enjoying nature around you, and what could be better than that? Like most human activities though, hiking can affect the planet without you realizing it. Here are some changes you can make so you can enjoy this activity while still being eco friendly. 

Take Your Litter Home With You

Most hikers will already do this instinctively, but it's a point that bears repeating. When you go out hiking, you're probably going to be bringing out water bottles, snacks, and other supplies too. These will all come with disposable wrapping, and if you can't find a trash can it's tempting to leave it where you are. 

“This even includes biodegradable waste, such as fruit peels” says Adrian Hennessey, a travel blogger at UK Writings review and Via Writing. “These can disrupt the ecosystem of the area you're hiking in, so take them with you until you can dispose of them safely.” 

You should especially consider taking a reusable water bottle with you. They will avoid the use of single use water bottle plastic, and you'll save a fortune on bottled water too. 

Keep To The Designated Trails

When you're out hiking, you really want to be with nature and explore. That's a reasonable feeling, but that doesn't mean that you should strike out on your own, away from the trails. Those trails have been created so you can go hiking without harming the vegetation and wildlife there. When you stick to them, you'll get all the benefits of hiking without harming the world around you.

Plus, remember that when you stick to the trails, you're very unlikely to get lost or get into danger. Those trails are there for your safety too. 

Think Twice Before Starting Fires

Did you know that up to 90% of wildfires in the US are started by humans? That's a staggering amount of fires and damage that can be avoided if hikers think twice about starting fires in the wild. In most cases when you're hiking, you shouldn't need to start any fires when you're out and about. Make sure that you're taking care when disposing of cigarette butts, too. 

If you're camping and will need a fire to cook on or keep warm, then make sure you're observing safety precautions. Never leave a fire unattended until its extinguished, ensure you're not lighting fires when it's too windy, and dump water on it when you're done to make sure it's out. 

Avoid Using Conventional Detergents

When out hiking, it's easy to use conventional hand washes, wipes and other detergents to wash your hands and clean up. It makes sense on paper, but remember if you use them, they're going to go directly into the water supply and again, disrupt the ecosystem. 

Instead, look for more eco conscious solutions. For example, soap nuts are very popular as they are fully organic and can be used without damaging the environment. If you need to bring wipes with you, make sure that they're biodegradable, and again make sure you dispose of them properly. 

Hike In The Off Season

As well as all the above points, consider when you go hiking. “When you hike in the main season, it's not going to be as enjoyable as it will be more crowded” says lifestyle writer Gina Harries, from Academ Advisor and Rated Writing. “Plus, it's actually more eco friendly to go in the off season.”

When there's a crowd of people on the hiking trail, it's going to be stressful for the animals that live there as of course it's not normal to be surrounded by so many humans. Instead, go in the off season. You won't be upsetting the balance of nature on the trails, and you'll have so much more space to enjoy them. 

Rebecca Leigh is a writer for Best essay services and Study Demic, where she covers travel and hiking in particular. She also writes for publications such as the blog at Simple Grad

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