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Crafting a Sustainable World, One Post at a Time

Sustainable Living Evelyn James Sustainable Living Evelyn James

Encouraging Sustainable Travel In 2021

Travel accounts for 8% of global carbon emissions, according to a 2018 study published in Nature Climate Change.

Given these shocking figures, it’s clear that we need to take steps to reduce our impact on the planet and switch to a more sustainable way of running our businesses before it’s too late.

If we want to protect the world from further harm, revive the travel industry and reach the governments net zero carbon target, we need to focus more closely on promoting sustainable travel. Here are some easy yet effective ways travel businesses can do just that.

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Partners, Sustainable Living Melissa Novotny Partners, Sustainable Living Melissa Novotny

How to be Carbon-Neutral While Working from Home

While working from home has in itself helped cut down elements of our environmental impact by eliminating CO2 produced from our daily commutes and office energy usage, there is plenty more that we can do to lower our footprint at home.

In this blog, I will provide 8 eco-friendly and cost-saving solutions that you can incorporate into your daily routine to become carbon neutral while working from home!

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Sustainable Living Lea Napierski Sustainable Living Lea Napierski

7 Must-have Items in 2020 for Safe and Sustainable Travel

The coronavirus has impacted travelers all over the world since it hit at the beginning of 2020. As a result, it has made even the bravest travelers a little more cautious when considering the prospect of travelling this summer. Nevertheless, whether you’ll be enjoying your summer vacation at a nearby park or by going abroad to take a well-deserved break from working from home, you shouldn’t forget about traveling sustainably and reducing your footprint while continuing to stay safe.

This is why we’ve come up with a list of the right products you’ll need to keep yourself and others around you corona-safe, while making sure you have all of the sustainable summer must-haves. Here you can find 7 tips and items to prepare you while you’re on the move.

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Education, Sustainable Living Dorian Martin Education, Sustainable Living Dorian Martin

5 Ultimate Tips for Sustainable Travel on a Budget

Sustainable travel is becoming increasingly popular among environmental enthusiasts. Although, in order to have a big impact on the tourism industry, the message of sustainability needs to reach everyone, and yes, I’m talking to you too, backpackers. The truth is, we can all make slight changes to minimize the damaging effects that our travels have on the environment.

If you want to travel sustainably, but aren't sure where to begin, we've got you covered. This article will break down the 5 ultimate tips for sustainable travel on a budget to help you start making changes today.

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Sustainable Kerstpakketten (Christmas Boxes): Instock, RotterZwam & ZustainaBox

In the Netherlands, there is a specific tradition regarding Christmas gifts from employers to their employees. They traditionally give their employees what we call in Dutch a “kerstpakket” (which means “Christmas box”).

In this blog, we looked into some amazing alternative Christmas Boxes from sustainable companies in the Netherlands. They offer beautiful and unique gifts that can make your life a bit more eco-friendly, and support local and sustainable initatives at the same time. We are very excited to show you some of the options that are out there in our latest blog - which are not only suitable for Christmas gifts from employers, but also for your family and friends (or to treat yourself).

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Education, Sustainable Living Babet De Hoon Education, Sustainable Living Babet De Hoon

Unwrapped: Why are we still using plastic food packaging?

You’d think that plastic food packaging would be enough to solve Europe’s food waste problem. The reason why most of our food is packaged in a supermarket is because it keeps our produce ‘fresher’ right?

Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. Both plastic pollution and food waste are at all time highs and there has never been a better moment to find solutions. Luckily, there are many innovative packaging ideas, which aim to reduce the source of both plastic pollution and food waste.

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Taking Drinking Water to the Next Level: Introducing Aquablu

This week, we’re excited to announce Sea Going Green’s partnership with Aquablu, an innovative water filtration system looking to change the way that we access clean drinking water, leaving bottled water behind in the dust.

Aquablu allows for customers to tap into polluted or otherwise non-drinkable water and filter out micro-plastics, chemicals, antibiotics, heavy metals and more. This technology can even be used on board marine vessels such as cruise ships and luxury boats, which by using this product helps lower their CO2 footprint and mitigates the risk of plastic bottles (and caps) ending up overboard!

Read more about Aquablu in our interview with the founder, Marnix, and see for yourself how this could be a great addition to your home, office or boat!

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Education, Yachts Gemma Harris Education, Yachts Gemma Harris

What can yacht crew do to improve sustainability?

The superyacht industry isn’t the most environmentally friendly of industries and it often receives negative press when it comes to sustainability, from the endless single use plastic, the food miles consumed to the huge emissions.

Quite simply, it is an industry which relies on the health of our oceans and without them, cannot exist. In recent years, there has been an increase in environmental awareness and changing attitudes within the industry.

The process for change is happening in many ways but one is down to the power of the individual, individual yacht crew making changes to the daily operations of the yacht and taking responsibility for the yachts environmental footprint to provide long lasting benefits. So, what are the steps in which yacht crew can take to flip unsustainable practices onboard? Continue reading to find out!

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Education, River Cruises Maxime Pantaleoni Education, River Cruises Maxime Pantaleoni

11 Sustainable Practices for River Cruises

River cruises are becoming increasingly popular, which creates many new opportunities as well as challenges along with it.

In Europe alone, 1.4 million passengers took a river cruise in 2018, a number that’s rising annually. The kind of growth that we’ve seen from cruise tourism has placed a large burden on the marine environment. As a result, we have generally seen a rise in the trend of customers demanding for more responsible and sustainable tourism. To meet the increasing demand for sustainable cruising options, river cruise companies are starting to think about their environmental impact while finding ways on how to reduce it.

In this blog, you’ll find a list of 11 suggested practices that we’ve compiled to help make river cruising more sustainable!

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Education, Sustainable Living Fiona McVitie Education, Sustainable Living Fiona McVitie

How to reduce your plastic consumption on your next holiday

While getting ready for a long awaited vacation, you know all the tricks for packing light and smart - but what about packing zero waste? Tourism is one of the biggest industries in the world and it has a significant impact on our environment. By making small changes while traveling, you can help cut down your plastic waste footprint and make your tourist behavior more sustainable. Continue reading this article for some useful tips and tricks!

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Companies/Projects, Destination News Leaira Redondo Companies/Projects, Destination News Leaira Redondo

The EU is making changes to #GoGreenForTheBigBlue!

The EU is making changes to #GoGreenForTheBigBlue!

Just this week lawmakers have approved measures that may lead to the ban of single-use plastics by 2021, which is great news for our oceans!

Check out this week’s blog for more information on how the EU Commission plans to finally toss away single-use plastics for good.

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